Tag Archive for: Connected Enterprise

GuardLogix 5380 controller

Den nya processorn 5380 anpassad för snabba applikationer som kräver hög prestanda.

Help future proof your system and enable The Connected Enterprise

CompactLogix™ 5380 controllers help enable faster system performance, capacity, productivity and security to meet the
growing demands of smart machines and equipment for manufacturing.
All CompactLogix™ 5380 controllers use the same development environment, Studio 5000® software, combining elements
of design into one standard framework that can optimize productivity and reduce time to commission. Studio 5000 also
manages safety, so you don’t have to be concerned about separation of standard and safety memory, or worry about
partitioning logic to isolate safety – the software does it for you. Download PDF and Learn more about Studio 5000.


Compact I/O 5069 ger högre prestanda och diagnostik för smarta maskiner.

Future proofing your system and enabling your Connected Enterprise

The Compact I/O™ system continues to expand performance capabilities with the 5069 Compact I/O platform. It is the ideal distributed I/O solution for use with CompactLogix™ 5380 and ControlLogix® 5580 controllers, as well as for local I/O for CompactLogix 5380 controllers. The Compact I/O system future-proofs your system and enables The Connected Enterprise, allowing machine builders to bring added value to their customers through a single, unified architecture, using EtherNet/IP™ for increased overall productivity.

See full Press Release and details here


Compact I/O™ framtidssäkrer ert system och möjliggör Connected Enterprise

Det kompakte I/O system fremtidssikrer dit system og muliggør Connected Enterprise*, der giver maskinbyggere mulighed for at øge værdien for deres kunder, igennem en enkelt, samlet arkitektur med brug af  EtherNet/IP™ der øger produktiviteten.

Compact I/O™ systemet er den ideelle I/O-løsning at bruge sammen med CompactLogix™ 5380 og ControlLogix® 5580 controllere.

Egenskaber og fordele:

  • Understøtter 31 lokale I/O moduler
  • Forbedrede statusindikatorer der giver information om modulernes tilstand
  • Understøtter 1-Gb tilkoblede switches
  • Har en integreret USB port, der giver adgang til nem konfiguration
  • Og meget mere. Læs hele produktbeskrivelsen

*”The Connected Enterprise” får mest muligt ud af teknologiske fremskridt såsom dataanalyseværktøjer lige fra ”big data” til fjernovervågning og mobilitet. Og den bruger disse fremskridt til at hjælpe producenter med at: øge produktiviteten, sikre miljøet, sørge for, at driften er sikker samt øge produktionsformåen.