
Reichle & De-Massaris hållbarhetsrapport

Ny hållbarhetsrapport från R&M. Strömförbrukningen minskade med sex procent. R&M är ett familjeföretag som alltid har varit hållbart.

R&M, the globally active developer and provider of cabling systems for high-quality network infrastructures, based in Wetzikon, Switzerland, is promoting climate protection. R&M aims to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The R&M plants worldwide should be CO2 neutral by 2050 at the latest. The Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Report (CSER), published today, reports on the strict goals and the path to achieving them.

Against the backdrop of the latest UN climate reports, R&M is expanding its sustainability strategy to an unprecedented extent, said CEO Michel Riva on the presentation of the CSER Report.

R&M is committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and applies the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. A team of managers has been steering the sustainability strategy at the operational level since 2021.

R&M is currently having all climate-relevant emissions from its 14 plants worldwide recorded by the myclimate Foundation in Zurich. This is an external and scientifically based CO2 accounting method. Until now, R&M had only calculated the annual total energy consumption of the plants. Last year, R&M was able to reduce power consumption by six percent at full plant capacity usage. Eleven of the 14 R&M plants already have an environmental management system that is certified in accordance with ISO 14001.

As an independent Swiss family company, R&M has always acted sustainably and responsibly in every respect. This is confirmed by the Group’s balanced and stable economic performance, says CEO Michel Riva, referring to the new Annual Report.

Suppliers and logistics partners are also fully integrated in the sustainability initiative. The most important area of action is the reduction of emissions of gases that are harmful to the climate. In addition, R&M has revised its ethical goals. They include correct conduct in the market, transparent management and the interests of employees.

The extended sustainability strategy builds on the values and principle of the family business.
With the annual CSER Report, R&M documents the measures and progress in four spheres of activity:
1. Ecology and climate
2. Ethics and law
3. Social concerns, health and safety in the workplace
4. Supply chain.

Michel Riva says: Entrepreneurial responsibility can no longer be limited to the direct operational sphere of influence. In a globalized economy that R&M is actively shaping in the information and communication industry, every entrepreneurial activity has far-reaching consequences. In the future, we will follow these consequences on the basis of clear indicators and guidelines, and positively influence them in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.